Sunday, December 2, 2012

Mercy that Covers

According to John 19:23 the soldiers who were responsible for the crucifixion of Christ cast lots to see who would get his undergarment. This undergarment was a seamless robe. Many think the soldiers wanted this so badly because it was an expensive piece of clothing due to its' seamless nature, but just last night my pastor Fred Michaux of the City Life Church in Newport News, VA opened my eyes to a greater reason explaining the true significance of this robe.

Way back in the time of Moses before the time Jesus walked the earth God commanded that the High Priest wear a seamless robe. This robe was to have tassels, pomegranates, and bells at the hem. Only those wearing this robe could enter the most holy place where God's literal presence resided. The most holy place was where atonement, forgiveness of sin, and grace was received for all the people of Israel. Those who dared to enter this place without the designated robe would be consumed by the raw power of God, and instead of grace and forgiveness, there would be death. Therefore, this robe became an icon to the people of Israel.

I have read over John 19 multiple times and never given much thought about the fact that Scripture points out that this robe was seamless. Is it not very peculiar that the Bible mentions this tiny detail in the middle of the story of crucifixion? The Bible is always very intentional so we must learn to pay attention to details. The Bible would not mention this seamless robe because of its expensive nature. The Bible cares little for the wealth of this world, but it would mention it because it is symbolic of God's grace. The Roman soldiers surely would know that this was an important garment. They would see the High Priest of Israel walking around in this garment and they would see the reaction of the people when they would hear the bells jingle on the hem of this garment. The jingle would remind the people of God's grace and power. So the soldiers, even though they may not have fully realized the significance of this seamless garment, knew enough not to tear it into pieces but rather cast lots for it.

What can we learn from this? Fist it serves as a reminder that Christ truly is our High Priest and by Him we have the atonement for our sins. Secondly, Christ took this garment of grace off to give it to sinners like these soldiers. Thirdly, it is a reminder of how God's grace covers. It covers not in pieces but fully and completely from top to bottom. God's grace covers us despite our spiritual temperature as my pastor put it.

As I was praying and mentally put on my garment of grace and reminding myself of how in other places in Scripture we are told that we are clothed with holy garments I suddenly felt very safe. I got the kind of feeling that you get after a cold day when you crawl into bed under your warm covers. In that moment you feel as if nothing can harm you, and there is great comfort and peace. We can all remember as children hiding under our blankets and the safety they provided us. This world is cruel and harsh and the enemy is constantly hurling insults and accusations at us. It is so tiring. However, under God's grace I am safe from all of this and immune to the coldness of this world. It is only when I take off my garment and began to do things on my own that I suffer from the assaults of the enemy. Lord thank you for this reminder in your Word and giving me a visual that I will never forget. Help me to wear my garment of grace everyday! Thank you for your grace. Jesus thank you!!!

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